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It was a very easy read in a relatively decent prose. It flowed well but so did Twilight, after all. The love triangle died in utero. There was an actual plot and not just lovesick gazing. The love interest was actually a rather decent guy who is not tortured by his dark past.
Nothing except the little frustrations with the misused Russian inspiration. I guess you'd like it if you're looking for another book that's "just like" a fantastical book with a young heroine and a love story that you read and loved.
If you're looking for any originality, it's not there. Therefore I award it the lackluster 2 stars. Feb 28, Elle ellexamines rated it it was ok Shelves: sff-high-fantasy , 2-star , x-series , zreads , favorite-characters , x-audiobook , favorite-squads , author-love , ysreleases , favorite-friendships.
Eyes on Six of Crows, babes. The first half was actually terrible [like, awful] but the second half was Really Cool and I don't know how to reconcile these two emotions? But also I have like. So let's go. Is the worldbuilding in this book good? Who fucking knows. This is not my division. You know those books with the ten camps? The twelve districts? The seven pies that my grandma used to make? You know what I mean. I hope it goes there. I hope everything is morally ambiguous as hell. Alina goes to school.
She trains! The beginning of the book - you know, the thing that we know happens from the blurb? It is overall a mess. Until the end. Okay, I have more written in this review about how freaking badass the ending is, but a lot of shit goes down and a lot of reveals get dropped and I did not expect any of them. I hate saying this about Leigh fucking Bardugo, queen of subverting everything, but the beginning of this book… was so tropey. Our main character.
Not very pretty. In love with her best friend. Every girl in sight is attracted to him. And then she meets the Darkling. He broods! She was always beautiful underneath. Something something best friend vs. Something something court politics.
Like, come on. Because Alina fucking Starkov had the greatest antihero moment at the end of this book after being sort of boring for half the book. I hope she spends two books fucking shit up and murdering people and she and the Darkling become mortal enemies. I am a very normal person. Because the Darkling… is not… sexy. He says one paragraph of shitty things to Alina and then apologizes to her and recognizes that he was wrong? We have to know this. Please tell me we know this. I like antiheroes.
I do not like pages of nothing happening. I wish this book were better. I am still glad I read it. This review was a mess. I thank you for your time. Blog Goodreads Twitter Youtube View all 89 comments.
Nov 07, Rick Riordan added it. So many YA fantasy romances out there these days. You would think it would be hard to put a fresh spin on the concept, but Leigh Bardugo makes it look easy. Her debut Shadow and Bone takes Russian folklore and mythology and creates an alternate tsarist Russia Ravka where magic and military might coexist uneasily.
Imagine a cross between Cashore's Graceling and Westerfeld's Leviathan. Our main characters, Alina and Mal, grow up as orphans at the estate of So many YA fantasy romances out there these days. Our main characters, Alina and Mal, grow up as orphans at the estate of a kindly duke, until the time comes for them to serve their country. Both are tested by the Grisha, an ancient and powerful order of magicians, but neither show aptitude, so Mal becomes an accomplished military tracker, while Alina studies as an army cartographer and has nothing to look forward to but a mundane existence.
Homely and scrawny, Alina watches as her dashing, handsome best friend Mal, whom she secretly loves, gets attention from all the girls. Their lives change when their regiment is ordered across the Shadow Fold, a deadly rift of darkness that cuts Ravka in two, separating the eastern capital from its ports in West Ravka. When the caravan is attacked by gargoyle-like monsters called volcra, Alina discovers powers she didn't know she had.
Immediately, she becomes the most important person in the kingdom, the target of enemy assassins, and is whisked away to the palace of the Darkling, the head of the Grisha and right hand of the king, to learn the ways of magic.
Alina might hold the secret to destroying the Shadow Fold and saving Ravka, but only if she survives her enemies -- some from other countries, some from within the kingdom itself. Shadow and Bone works on every level. It's a believable and poignant romance. It's a great mystery in which the villains and heroes are not at all who they seem. It's a first-rate adventure. Maybe I was especially drawn to this book because I got to visit Russia last summer and can easily imagine the Grisha slipping through the corridors of the Winter Palace, but I suspect this book will appeal to many readers even if they have no knowledge of Russian history.
I'll be anxiously waiting for the second book in the series! View all 11 comments. Jun 29, Jesse JesseTheReader rated it liked it. While I was fascinated by the world, but at the same time, I didn't feel like the world was fleshed out enough. We don't really get much world building, you're just kind of thrown into the world, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but for me there were things that I needed to be explained more for me to be able to fully visualize the setting.
I also just wasn't a hug 3. I also just wasn't a huge fan of the main character Alina, and maybe I'll grow to like her in the next few books, but in this book she annoyed me. I found it to be very unique! View all 39 comments. Aug 23, Hannah Azerang rated it really liked it Shelves: owned. I love it so much more now and for completely different reasons. And I am SO happy that I did! While I felt that the plot and romance were somewhat tropey, [] 4.
View all 23 comments. How excited are you that this is becoming a Netflix show?! Everyone seemed to not love it and I wanted to read it just so I could get to the Six of Crows duology. Well turns out I really liked it.
Even more than Six of Crows! The first book is my favorite of the trilogy! I recommend you read this before reading Six of Crows. I know everyone How excited are you that this is becoming a Netflix show?! I know everyone says you don't need to but I highly disagree!
View all 28 comments. The characters, the world-building There were moments when I was so stunned by the beauty and the brilliance that I had to stop reading. I never wanted this book to end. View all 35 comments.
View all 37 comments. Well and then you just mix it all again! Now you have a book with all the typical young adult tropes that somehow managed to take a different kind of turn than you initially expected. Guess we all have our talents. I love this dark, mysterious, broody, intriguing and sexy guy! I mean come on, Alina!!! Yes, the Darkling! XD I love him to bits and pieces.
XD Not to mention so swoon-worthy that I had a hard time to concentrate whenever I read one of his scenes. I hardly notice anymore. Mal was a nice counterweight to Alina, he always thought ahead was reasonable, knew his limits and seemed to be a rather laid-back guy.
So why all the hate?! Is he doing something bad in the next two books?! That way no one will be looking at you. I wish there would have been more scenes with my precious girl but since she was only a side character in the first book her appearances were rather limited.
Still, she swept me off my feet and I hope to see her again! Hopefully under better circumstances this second time around. Do you ask your heart to beat or your lungs to breathe? Your power serves you because that is its purpose, because it cannot help but serve you.
Yes, you read right! His freaking mother!!! I mean how many YA and fantasy books did I read?! Too many to count, but the villain never ever had a mom! I just loved this!!! Thank you Leigh, this was truly amazing! I got weak knees just reading about him and I admire Alina for not throwing herself at him. I guess their ship sunk and ended up being shipwrecked in the end though. Pity, I certainly would have loved to read more of those intense and hot scenes.
He paused in the act of pulling on his gloves, and I pressed my lips together nervously. His mouth curved into a half smile. I am, too. We always are. In all the other YA books the childhood friend always ends up being scorned, not in this one! Leigh actually managed to pull it off to give them a good and solid basis for a strong relationship. I never read a YA book in which the best friend actually ended up being the main love interest.
So, Queen Leigh, you have all my respect!! Queen Leigh knows her stuff! View all 83 comments. Feb 04, Emily May rated it liked it Shelves: young-adult , fantasy , coverly-love , Please note: this is not really a review. In fact, this may be my most useless non-review to date there have been a few and is actually better described as a random mish-mash of my thoughts and feelings on this book.
You know, I've wondered ever since Shadow and Bone was released last year whether I would fall into the camp of gushing, never-ending lo Please note: this is not really a review. You know, I've wondered ever since Shadow and Bone was released last year whether I would fall into the camp of gushing, never-ending love for it I was prepared for it to go either way.
However, I find myself uselessly sitting somewhere in the middle, lonesomely twiddling my thumbs and pondering all the different things I liked but didn't love and disliked but didn't hate. How very annoying of me. I mean, I didn't like Alina that much. She was okay. She was fine. But you know something is wrong when the heroine is merely "okay" and "fine". I found her a touch a touch too much on the wimpy side for my liking, she was too eager to play the damsel in distress on multiple occasions but I've heard she gets better in the sequel.
Let's hope so. Admittedly, I only decided to read this now because of the hype surrounding the sequel so I have my fingers crossed that Siege and Storm can rid us of the problems I have with this series. Especially the fact that this is quite a poor excuse for fantasy. Limited world-building, light fantasy-style background which is heavily diluted by romance, mean girls, bitchiness and seemingly useless tidbits of information about noble life.
This is like the chick-lit, high school version of fantasy, filled with characters who are supposedly hardcore warriors but spend much of the novel keeping their hardcore warrior hands disappointingly clean. The roughest, most gruesome bit of this story is perhaps when a poor stag gets murdered. Which is really just depressing all round.
Thankfully, though, the novel's large amount of tame scenes did provide me with some entertainment and a few laughs. There is a certain base addictive quality to Bardugo's writing that makes it incredibly easy to digest and even necessary to read on. Another negative - sorry - is the rather silly obsession with looks in the novel.
For one, I couldn't give a damn about the various vanities of the Grisha women; for another, it annoyed me how Alina seemed to equate her worth with her looks from the very beginning. She denies her power can possibly exist because she isn't a luminous ball of hotness like the others. But, as with good old plain Bella Swan, everyone falls in love with her anyway. To be honest, that is an unfair comparison because Alina - even with her faults - is a far more interesting character than Bella.
But still, get a grip on yourself. And douse yourself with some badassery so you can stop being such a wimp because so far this world is looking awfully like the disappointing one of Grave Mercy.
Also - is there a love triangle here? I'm not even certain what's happening. I kinda hope there is. Ha, bet you weren't expecting that! But, you know, Darkling is really quite a sexy word, don't you think? And maybe Ms Bardugo hasn't got the whole fantasy thing down in this book but she sure knows exactly what she's doing with his characterisation. He's dangerous, he's sexy, he likes to make out with you in secret rooms, he's arrogant with a little side order of hidden feelings to kick you right in the ovaries and the heart at the same time.
I suppose Mal is the safer and more sensible option and the one I'd be telling Alina to go for if this was the real world and she was a friend of mine. But - yay! The way I feel about him is similar to how I felt about Ido in Eona but hopefully this won't have a similar conclusion. Thank you if you actually read my non-review. If anyone knows how I can acquire an ARC of the sequel, please tell me and I shall be forever grateful.
View all 44 comments. The women in those books are badass and the story is just great and I think you haven't read those yet. Have a great read week. The Blue Otter Reads omg no but this is exactly how i feel about the book you summed it up so well! Feb 25, Kat Kennedy rated it really liked it Shelves: drunk-when-i-wrote-this-review , to-ya-or-not-to-ya , fun-fantasy , kat-s-book-reviews.
Damn you, Leigh Barduga. Damn you for tricking me. Leigh Barduga is like some kind of literary crouching tiger, hidden dragon or something. You would be forgiven, upon commencing this novel, for thinking Shadow and Bone is redundant, cliched piece of tripe book with poor story-telling, average writing and a predictable plot. People who haven't read countless Young Adult novels probably wouldn't notice the trends, but I did. This is what I thought and Leigh led me down the primrose path until BO Damn you, Leigh Barduga.
Game change. Glorious, glorious game change. Black is white, up is down, you are not secretly attracted to me. Lights on. Real show begins and we hope you enjoyed that prelude. Also, while you weren't looking, we falcon-punched your ovaries. The themes of Shadow and Bone center around power, and the struggle for it. What does it mean? What is it worth?
What do you do with it? Also, there's love and romancey stuff for those who care for such things - and who have a functioning heart. More importantly, for me, was the violence, court intrigue and sexy times of which make up some part of this novel. These aspects were definitely there but they were flirted with. I would have liked more of these and a little less of the boarding-house shenanigans and bitchy-mean girl drama.
It was outside these factors that I loved the novel. It's strengths definitely rely on its characters and powerful storyline because the actual narration and writing tended toward the telling as opposed to showing side.
For example: Alexei's fingers slipped on the railing. I lunged forward and grabbed his arm. Then the flame vanished, and in the darkness I felt Alexei's fingers pulled from mine. His screams faded into the sounds of battle as the volca carried him into the dark. Another burst of flame lit the sky, but he was gone.
Still, I'm wondering if maybe the things I loved most about Shadow and Bone will be carried on in the next novel. To the very last page I loved the Darkling - not because he was sexy - but for the dark, rawness of his character.
The dynamic it played with Alina in how she saw herself. Identity, concepts of misplaced idealism. Lust, love, ownership vs freely given love. It was all there amidst a world-building that was surprisingly lite for this caliber of novel - yet hinted at so much more. Overall, a great read and I look forward to the next book where Leigh will probably rip out my still-beating heart and feed it to a raging bear while I applaud in amazement.
Or, you know, something synonymous. View all 42 comments. Ariel Falcon-punched ovaries. Exquisite word choice. It's been a couple of weeks since I finished this, and I can't remember a single character name except for The Darkling.
This was a run-of-the-mill YA fantasy book. It wasn't bad, just bland. The characters, romance, and most of the plot were quite generic and almost forgettable. Also, I've realized that fantasy written in first person is not my cup of tea.
However, in the sea of It's been a couple of weeks since I finished this, and I can't remember a single character name except for The Darkling. However, in the sea of medieval European-based fantasy series, this industrial Russian-inspired world totally stood out. I now understand why Leigh Bardugo chose to stay in this world for two more series.
I can't wait to see how she expands the universe and the magic system! In short: I only picked this up so that I can eventually get to Six of Crows. I don't think I necessarily wasted my time as I understand the world more, but I'm not rushing to pick up the sequel. View all 18 comments.
Feb 26, Steph Sinclair rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Everyone! Recommended to Steph by: Myself, because I'm cool like that. Shelves: young-adult , fantasy , ebook , favs , reads , action-packed , best-relationships , superb-world-building , release , netgalley.
True story. Also, there's a giveaway of a finished copy of Shadow and Bone! If I could wrap up my emotions about how I felt after reading Shadow and Bone and send them to you through my computer screen, I totally would. I wish I could unread it just so I can go back and re-read it again for the first time. Yes, I loved it that much. Now I've come to the part where I am supposed to describe to you the awesomeness that is Shadow and Bone and I'm finding that rather difficult to do.
Why is that? Is it because while reading a book you love your get so swept away with the story that you can't be bothered to take notes? Or perhaps it's the fact that you don't want to give away too much of the story? You want other potential readers to go into the book blind, expecting little and gaining everything the story has to offer? I suspect it is a little of both for me and with that, I offer my sincerest apologies if you do not find this review helpful.
It is my hope, however, that my inability to do this book justice in my review speaks volumes in and of itself. University Press of Mississippi. ISBN Retrieved April 26, Founders of Comic Fandom. McFarland Publishing. Accessed March 30, The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved Archived from the original on 14 January Retrieved 10 August Oh, My!! ComicSpectrum - Bob's Blog. Bags Unlimited.
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Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read View source View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. It starts off with the basics of character creation and the strengths of every race and their abilities.
It goes through each of the skills and how they're leveled you have to actually hit something with that fireball spell to level your destruction; casting it into space doesn't work. It covers every quest in the game, and I bet you'll flip through it and find a quest you've never known existed, even though you've played hours over the course of the PS4 and PS3 versions of the game and soon to be PSVR, which this will work for too.
I know I personally did. One thing I didn't know I'd learn from this book is at the end- the achievements. There is an achievement for getting all 15 Daedric artifacts, and there is one Daedric quest reward that I thought was a Daedric artifact that counted toward the total, but it's not! It turns out the Rueful Axe from Clavicus Vile is only one way to complete the quest, and it doesn't count toward the achievement. I would have never known that without looking at the achievements guide in this book.
And yes, it does cover the achievements for the expansions to the game. The bookmark is a nice touch. I want to laminate mine so that I can keep it forever.
The included map is huge. It is too big to actually use unless you frame it in a light, two-sided poster frame. I use the maps in the book instead. And there are a lot of them, all annotated and easy to read. If you're one of the thousands of people who love Skyrim and can't get enough of it, even if you think you've seen everything the game has to offer, this book is for you.
You'll likely find things you never knew existed, and even if you don't, it's a fun read to review quests you've already done to remember your adventures. This is an absolute must-buy for any Skyrim fan. You get it straight from the people who know it, and it's information you can trust. All you have to do is look in the table of contents or better yet, the easy-to-use index.
Plus, it deserves a spot on your bookshelf next to your other collector's items. By Zero Ehxe on August 10, Honestly surprised at how much information is in this Guide. So I have quite a bit of knowledge of the game. I'd guess I have at least hours in this game. The book has shown me so many things that even I didn't know about.
As far as guide books go, this one is about as perfect as you can get without using the internet. As far as books in general and collectors items are concerned, it's very cool. Amazing book, just to read it is great. However it has has saved me so much time playing and helping me get through quests. I am no pro like my son but I love to play this game so I got the book.
I use it all the time and have learned so much about the world of Skyrim. It is in full color, laid out well. Has more information than I will ever use. I keep it right next to my LOTR collectors edition and it looks great. What a great deal for the price. If you have never played Skyrim this book will make you want to play.
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